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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2017Overview of NSTX Upgrade Initial Results and Modelling HighlightsMenard, J.E.; Allain, J.P.; Battaglia, D.J.; Bedoya, F.; Bell, R.E.; Belova, E.; Berkery, J.W.; Boyer, M.D.; Crocker, N.; Diallo, A.; Ebrahimi, F.; Ferrraro, N.; Fredrickson, E.; Frerichs, H.; Gerhardt, S.; Gorelenkov, N.; Guttenfelder, W.; Heidbrink, W.; Kaita, R.; Kaye, S.M.; Kriete, D.M.; Kubota, S.; LeBlanc, B.P.; Liu, D.; Lunsford, R.; Mueller, D.; Myers, C.E.; Ono, M.; Park, J.-K.; Podesta, M.; Raman, R.; Reinke, M.; Ren, Y.; Sabbagh, S.A.; Schmitz, O.; Scotti, F.; Sechrest, Y.; Skinner, C.H.; Smith, D.R.; Soukhanovskii, V.; Stoltzfus-Dueck, T.; Yuh, H.; Wang, Z.; Waters, I.; Ahn, J.-W.; Andre, R.; Barchfeld, R.; Beiersdorfer, P.; Bertelli, N.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Boyle, D.; Brennan, D.; Buttery, R.; Capece, A.; Canal, G.; Canik, J.; Chang, C.S.; Darrow, D.; Delgado-Aparicio, L.; Domier, C.; Ethier, S.; Evans, T.; Ferron, J.; Finkenthal, M.; Fonck, R.; Gan, K.; Gates, D.; Goumiri, I.; Gray, T.; Hosea, J.; Humphreys, D.; Jarboe, T.; Jardin, S.; Jaworski, M.A.; Koel, B.; Kolemen, E.; Ku, S.; LaHaye, R.J.; Levinton, F.; Luhmann Jr., N.; Maingi, R.; Maqueda, R.; McKee, G.; Meier, E.; Myra, J.; Perkins, R.; Poli, F.; Rhodes, T.; Riquezes, J.; Rowley, C.; Russell, D.; Schuster, E.; Stratton, B.; Stutman, D.; Taylor, G.; Tritz, K.; Wang, W.; Wirth, B.; Zweben, S.J.
2017Sensitivity of WallDYN material migration modeling to uncertainties in mixed-material surface binding energiesNichols, J.H.; Jaworski, M.A.; Schmid, K.
Jun-2016Exploration of magnetic perturbation effects on advanced divertor configurations in NSTX-UFrerichs, H.; Waters, I.; Schmitz, O.; Canal, G.P.; Evans, T.E.; Feng, Y.; Soukhanovskii, V.A.
Oct-2016Fusion Nuclear Science Facilities and Pilot Plants Based on the Spherical TokamakMenard, J.E.; Brown, T.; El-Guebaly, L.; Boyer, M.; Canik, J.; Colling, B.; Raman, R.; Wang, Z.; Zhai, Y.; Buxton, P.; Covele, B.; D'Angelo, C.; Davis, A.; Gerhardt, S.; Gryaznevich, M.; Harb, M.; Hender, T.C.; Kaye, S.; Kingham, D.; Kotschenreuther, M.; Mahajan, S.; Maingi, R.; Marriott, E.; Meier, E.T.; Mynsberge, L.; Neumeyer, C.; Ono, M.; Park, J.-K.; Sabbagh, S.A.; Soukhanovskii, V.; Valanju, P.; Woolley, R.
Apr-2017Nonlinear simulations of beam-driven Compressional Alfvén Eigenmodes in NSTXBelova, E.V.; Gorelenkov, N.N.; Crocker, N.A.; Lestz, J.B.; Fredrickson, E.D.; Tang, S.; Tritz, K.
Jan-2017Application of IR imaging for free-surface velocity measurement in liquid-metal systemsHvasta, M.H.; Kolemen, E.; Fisher, A.
Apr-2016Quasi-linear gyrokinetic predictions of the Coriolis momentum pinch in NSTXGuttenfelder W.; S.M. Kaye; Y. Ren; W. Solomon; R.E. Bell; J. Candy; S.P. Gerhardt; B.P. LeBlanc; H. Yuh
May-2016Massive Gas Injection Valve Development for NSTX-URaman, R.; Plunkett, G.J.; Way, W.-S.
May-2017Full-wave simulations of ICRF heating regimes in toroidal plasmas with non-Maxwellian distribution functionsBertelli, N; Valeo, E.J.; Green, D.L.; Gorelenkova, M.; Phillips, C.K.; Podesta, M.; Lee, J.P.; Wright, J.C.; Jaeger, E.
Jul-2017M3D-C1 simulations of the plasma response to RMPs in NSTX-U single-null and snowflake divertor configurationsCanal, G.P.; Ferraro, N.M.; Evans, T.E.; Osborne, T.H.; Menard, J.E.; Ahn, J.-W.; Maingi, R.; Wingen, A.; Ciro, D.; Frerichs, H.; Schmitz, O.; Soukhanovskii, V.; Waters, I.