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Politics, 1927-2020

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 7320
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1976Black Migration: Structural Change in the Urban Political SystemSmith, Russell A.
1999Black Men Behaving Badly: The Impact of Black Professional Athletes on Whites' Perceptions of Black AmericaDelley, Brandon
1984Black Mayors of Northern Industrial Cities: Political Strategies to Improve the Economic Condition of Urban BlacksGosse, Caroline Ferebee
1938Black Issues: A Survey of the Development and Changes in the Present Political Status of the Southern NegroHerman, James Lewis
1978Black Infant Mortality: What National Health Insurance via the Use of Health Maintenance Organization (H.M.O.) Could Do to Alleviate the ProblemWood, Ringo Michael
1968Black Impotence: Insights into Chicago's Anti-Poverty ProgramWilliams, Paul Carey
1984Black Electoral Power and Its Implications for Urban GovernanceHaas, James Douglas
1978Black Education under Capitalism: Observations on the Educational and Career Aspirations of Black Students in American Institutions of Higher LearningSpeede, Wanda Anita
1997Black Consolidation: The Search for Optimal City-County GovernmentFrench, Jamil Omar
1999Black Conservative Outreach: Increasing African American Participation in the GOPBruce, Jacklyn
1999Black Capitalism in Newark: Political Strategies and EntrepreneurshipGhorm, Kevin
1986Black Britain and the Struggle for Parliamentary Political PowerMyers, Carl Bernard
1989Black Americans in the Modern MilitaryPrager, Kevin Leland
2011Biting the Digital Bullet: Securing American Critical Infrastructure Against Impending Cyber AttacksLamb, Stephen William
1953Bipartisanship in American Foreign PolicyRockart, John Fralick
1996A BID for a Better City: Business Improvement Districts in New York CityBalestri, Carlo
2011Bingeing or Balancing? An Examination of Partisan Selective Exposure to Cable NewsSykes, Edward Christopher
1993Bilingual Education in the United States: The Importance of Socialization in the Instruction of Linguistic MinoritiesRichardson, Karen
1995Bilingual Education in California L'Education Bilinque en FranceHaselgrove, Annemarie T.
1990Big Business and United States Foreign Policy Towards Latin America During the Cold WarThickens, David William
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 7320