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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986The John F. Kennedy 1960 campaignKesaris, Paul; Newman, Douglas D.; Lester, Robert E.; John F. Kennedy Library; University Publications of America, Inc.
10-May-2016Guyana 2012 Population & Housing Census Final Results[Guyana. Bureau of Statistics]
1993The war in Vietnam : papers of William C. WestmorelandWestmoreland, William C.; Lester, Robert; Lyndon Baines Johnson Library; University Publications of America, Inc.
1993The John F. Kennedy national security files. Western Europe : national security files, 1961-1963Lester, Robert; Herring, George C.; John F. Kennedy Library; University Publications of America, Inc.
1992The John F. Kennedy national security files. Asia and the Pacific : national security files, 1961-1963Lester, Robert; John F. Kennedy Library; University Publications of America, Inc.
1993The John F. Kennedy national security files. Africa : national security files, 1961-1963Herring, George C.; Lester, Robert; Hydrick, Blair; John F. Kennedy Library; University Publications of America, Inc.
2007The John F. Kennedy national security files, 1961-1963. Asia and the Pacific, First supplementHerring, George C.; Lester, Robert; Porter, Todd Michael; John F. Kennedy Library; University Publications of America
1988The John F. Kennedy presidential oral history collectionLester, Robert; Dobrosky, Nanette; United States. President; John F. Kennedy Library; University Publications of America, Inc.
2007The John F. Kennedy national security files, 1961-1963. Middle East, First supplementHerring, George C.; Lester, Robert; Elasky, Dan; John F. Kennedy Library; University Publications of America, Inc.
1988President John F. Kennedy's office files, 1961-1963Kesaris, Paul; Lester, Robert; Hydrick, Blair; John F. Kennedy Library; United States. President (1961-1963 : Kennedy); University Publications of America