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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1993Native Americans and the New Deal [microform] : the office files of John Collier, 1933-1945 / project editor, Robert E. Lester.Lester, Robert E.
1994The occupation of Japan [microform]. Economic reform / [editorial advisor, Ryoichi Miwa.]Miwa, Ryoichi
1990President Franklin D. Roosevelt's office files, 1933-1945Lester, Robert; Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945; United States. President (1933-1945 : Roosevelt); Franklin D. Roosevelt Library; University Publications of America
1990Harry S. Truman presidential oral history collectionUniversity Publications of America, Inc.; Harry S. Truman Library
1989President Harry S. Truman's office files, 1945-1953Hoag, Gary; Kesaris, Paul; Lester, Robert; Loving, David W., 1940-; Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972; United States. President (1945-1953 : Truman); Harry S. Truman Library; University Publications of America, Inc.
1984Confidential U.S. diplomatic post records : Central America : Nicaragua, 1930-1945Lester, Robert; Kesaris, Paul; United States. Department of State; University Publications of America
1983Confidential U.S. diplomatic post recordsKesaris, Paul; Lester, Robert; United States. Department of State; University Publications of America
1996The Fiorello H. La Guardia papersLa Guardia, Fiorello H.; Scholarly Resources, Inc.
1996FBI file on Joseph McCarthyScholarly Resources, Inc.; United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
2000FBI file on Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation; Scholarly Resources, Inc.