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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Records of the Council on Foreign Relations, 1921-1951Lester, Robert E.; University Publications of America
1998Papers of the American slave tradeCoughtry, Jay; University Publications of America
1992Civil war unit histories : regimental histories and personal narrativesLester, Robert; Hoag, Gary; Hydrick, Blair; University Publications of America
1980A guide to Map room messages of President Truman (1945-1946) and Potsdam Conference documents (1945)Kesaris, Paul; Gibson, Joan; University Publications of America, Inc.
1981Council meetings of the major American Indian tribes, 1907-1971 [microform]Lester, Robert
1984President Truman's Committee on Civil Rights [guide]Juhnke, William E.; United States. President's Committee on Civil Rights; Harry S. Truman Library; University Publications of America, Inc.
1993The papers of George C. Marshall : selected World War II correspondenceLester, Robert; Hydrick, Blair; George C. Marshall Library; University Publications of America
1986The FBI files on the American Indian Movement and Wounded Knee [microform] / edited by Rolland Dewing.Dewing, Rolland
1987The papers of Zebulon VanceMcKinney, Gordon B.; McMurray, Richard M.; North Carolina. Division of Archives and History; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection; Duke University; University Publications of America, Inc.
Nov-2019Proceedings and addresses of the American Philosophical Association, Volume 93-