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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Mary McLeod Bethune Papers, Bethune Foundation collectionSmith, Elaine M.; Boehm, Randolph; Bethune-Cookman College; University Publications of America
2003Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico, February 1963-1966 [microform] : subject-numeric categories: AID, CSM, DEF, and POL.Lester, Robert
1987The Salmon P. Chase papersNiven, John; McClure, James P.; Delana, Patrick; University Publications of America, Inc.; Claremont Graduate School; National Historical Publications and Records Commission
1994Records of The National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, 1895-1992Williams, Lillian Serece; Boehm, Randolph; National Association of Colored Women's Clubs (U.S.); University Publications of America
1983A Guide to British Public Record Office, Colonial Office, class 5 fileBoehm, Randolph; Womanski, Linda; Dimkoff, Diane; Lester, Robert; Great Britain. Colonial Office; Great Britain. Public Record Office; University Publications of America, Inc.
1998American Negro Historical Society collection, 1790-1905Historical Society of Pennsylvania; American Negro Historical Society; Scholarly Resources, Inc.
2000Universal Negro Improvement Association records. 1921-1986Western Reserve Historical Society; Scholarly Resources, Inc.
Jun-2018Síntesis de resultados Censo 2017Chile. Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas
1999Race, slavery and free blacks : petitions to southern legislatures, 1777-1867Schweninger, Loren; Shelton, Robert; Smith, Charles E.; University Publications of America; Race and Slavery Petitions Project
1997Confederate military manuscriptsGlatthaar, Joseph T.; University Publications of America