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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Juvenile probation officers call for a new response to teen drug and alcohol use and dependencyReclaiming Futures Treatment Fellowship
1985A guide to Confidential U.S. State Department central files : China, internal affairs, 1950-1954Davis, Michael C.; Hydrick, Blair; United States. Department of State; University Publications of America, Inc.
2008Papers relating to the Jamaican Estates of the Goulburn Family of Betchworth HouseMicroform Academic Publishers; Surrey History Centre
1987Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Iraq, 1945-1949 : internal affairs, decimal number 890G and foreign affairs, decimal number 711.90GMurphy, Gregory; Hydrick, Blair; United States. Department of State; University Publications of America, Inc.
1987Confidential U.S. State Department central files. China, People's Republic of China, 1955-1959. Internal affairsMurphy, Gregory; Hydrick, Blair; United States. Department of State; University Publications of America, Inc.
2019Exotic terranes of the Cascade Range : the Twin Sisters dunite and Darrington Phyllyte, Whatcom and Skagit counties, WashingtonBush, Tom; Vick, Heather; Smith, Corky, Jr.
Dec-2016La guerra contra las mujeresSegato, Rita Laura
2019NAACP Opportunity and Diversity Report Card: Hotel and Lodging IndustryNAACP National Staff
2004A la izquierda : the Puerto Rican movement : newspapers, periodicals, bulletins ... [microform].Corretjer, Juan Antonio
21-Aug-2019Hungary around the clock, August 21, 2019-