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dc.contributor.advisorStone, Howard-
dc.contributor.authorWang, Dawn-
dc.description.abstractArrow-, T-, and Y-shaped junction flows are found in many physiological flow net-works and piping systems, such as in cardiovascular systems. These shapes also serve as key mechanisms for mixing, heat exchange, or droplet formation devices. While flows of such geometries have been studied in great deal qualitatively, little quantitative work has been done, especially concerning the occurrence of particle trapping for junction flows with suspended particles that have densities lower than that of the fluid itself. In this thesis, a quantitative study was performed experimentally and numerically, finding a range of Reynolds numbers and junction angles at which this phenomenon can occur. Numerical simulations showed that, in arrow-, T-, and Y-shaped junction flows, fluid mechanical features similar to the bubble form of vortex breakdown can be the mechanism behind particle trapping. While unwanted particle trapping in flow networks can cause health hazards or failures in piping networks, this phenomenon can also be applied to separation devices; therefore, a better understanding of this phenomenon has significant potential for complex piping system designs as well as research advancements in medical and industrial fields.en_US
dc.format.extent49 pages*
dc.titleTrapping Mechanisms in Flows in T-Shaped, Y-Shaped, and Arrow-Shaped Junctions for Different Reynolds Numbers 0 (100 - 1000)en_US
dc.typePrinceton University Senior Theses-
pu.departmentMechanical and Aerospace Engineeringen_US
Appears in Collections:Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1924-2019

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