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East Asian Studies, 1951-2019

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 543
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1970The Regulated Verse of Huang Chung-TseBalaran, Paul
1989The Recent Development of Sino-South Korean Relations as a Case Study for China's Independent Foreign PolicyDelafield, John Dennis
1997The Reaction of Japanese Society to Foreign AthletesKramer, Zachary
1993The Proximity of the Periphery: Central-Local Relations and Fiscal Policy in JapanReudelhuber, Mark
2008Against the Current: Opposition Voices in China's Drive for HydropowerLiu, Jessica Z.
1970The Problem of Moral Self-Cultivation in MenciusDoerr, Douglas Alan
1970The Prehistory and Proto-History of Chinese Civilization: Origins and DevelopmentsHootkins, William Michael
1988Aesop's Fables in the Twentieth Century: Reflections on Japanese CultureLanneaux, Yvett Saeko
2012The Phoenix and the Crane: An Exploration of Urban Disasters and Memorialization through Two Case Studies, The Tangshan Earthquake and Beijing Urban RenewalGass, Emily Ann
1992The Persistence of Rural - Urban Health Care Inequalities in China from 1949 to the Early 1980's: A Dynamic ContradictionLiao, Theresa H.
2006The Pariah as Patriot: Yakuza and Right-Wing Japanese Politics in the Early 20th CenturyShank, Sean
1990The Numbers of Knowledge and the Knowledge of Numbers: Five Investigators of Nature: Robert Fludd, Johannes Kepler, Shao Yung, Wang Fu-chih, and Francis BaconHsai, Florence
1987The Newspaper BoyLiu, Janice Rebecca
1971The New Ideal and the Social Reality: Contemporary Marriage from the Female Point of ViewMolony, Kathleen Susan
1967The Necessity for Historical Distortion in Turkish TextbooksAmerman, Symington Phillips L.
2002The Migration of Brazilian Nikkeijin to Japan: Citizenship, Culture and Ethnic IdentityBuzicky, Katharine, T
2005The Maryknoll Sisters in Hong Kong: Adapting to Change in the 1960's and 1970'sNesbitt, Christine Veronica Joan
2011Acupuncture Analgesia Considered in Neurophysiological and Traditional Terms: Bridging Traditional Chinese Medicine with Modern Medicine in AsiaHuynh,, Richie Kimlong
1983The March Towards AnnexationCalhoun, Arleen Marie
1975The Malaysia Question: Constitution or Chaos?Radler, Francine
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 543