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Monographic reports and papers (Access Limited to Princeton)

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 428
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996American Civil Liberties Union archives. The Roger Baldwin years, 1917-1950 / Ben Primer, editor.Primer, Ben
1987Civil rights during the Kennedy administration, 1961-1963 [microform] : a collection from the holdings of the John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts / edited by Carl M. Brauer.Brauer, Carl M.
2003Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Vietnam, 1960-January 1963 : internal affairs and foreign affairsLester, Robert E.; Hydrick, Blair D.; United States. Department of State; University Publications of America
1984A guide to Civil rights during the Johnson administration, 1963-1969 / edited by Steven F. Lawson ; research associate, Robert Lester.Lawson, Steven F.
2008America in protest : records of anti-Vietnam War organizationsDewey, Todd; De Rosa, Alissa; United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation; Wisconsin Historical Society; Primary Source Media
2006Western books on Asia. India and the West. Bound pamphletsAmes, Charles Lesley; Ames Library of South Asia; Primary Source Microfilm
1987Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Iraq, 1950-1954Murphy, Gregory; Hydrick, Blair; United States. Department of State; University Publications of America, Inc.
1983Early English newspapers : bibliography and guide to the microfilm collectionCox, Susan M.; Budeit, Janice L.
2000Confidential U.S. State Department central files. The Soviet Union 1960-January 1963. Foreign affairs : decimal numbers 661 and 611.61Lester, Robert; Hydrick, Blair; United States. Department of State; University Publications of America
2000The Lyndon B. Johnson national security files, 1963-1969. Western Europe. First supplement [microform]Lester, Robert E.; Herring, George C
1991Confidential U.S. State Department central files. South Africa, 1955-1959 [microform] : internal affairs, decimal numbers 745A, 845A, and 945A and foreign affairs, decimal numbers 645A and 611.45AMurphy, Gregory
2000Confidential U.S. State Department central files. The Soviet Union 1960-January 1963. Internal affairs : decimal numbers 761, 861, and 961Lester, Robert; Hydrick, Blair; United States, Department of State; University Publications of America
2004The Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund [microform]Want, Stephen; Lewis, Daniel
2005The Soviet Union and republics of the former U.S.S.R. 1998-2002 supplementLester, Robert; Elasky, Dan
1970Author and added entry catalog of the American Missionary Association archives. Introd. by Clifton H. Johnson.Greenwood Pub. Corp.
1989Confidential U.S. State Department central files. The Soviet Union. Foreign affairs, 1955-1959 : decimal numbers 661 and 611.61Murphy, Gregory; Hydrick, Blair; United States. Department of State; University Publications of America
1999Confidential U.S. State Department central files. South Africa, 1960-January 1963 [microform] : internal affairs decimal numbers 745A, 770X, 845A, 870X, 945A, and 970X, and foreign affairs decimal numbers 645A, 670X, 611.45A, and 611.70XLester, Robert E.
2009The Ford Administration and Hispanic America [microform] : the office files of Fernando E.C. DeBaca.Primary Source Media
1985A guide to Confidential U.S. State Department central files : the Soviet Union, internal affairs, 1950-1954 and foreign affairs, 1950-1954Lester, Robert; Kesaris, Paul; United States, Department of State; United States, National Archives and Records Service
2007Franklin D. Roosevelt and race relations [microform].Primary Source Media
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 428