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dc.contributor.advisorOlsen, James D-
dc.contributor.authorKimmel, Benjamin-
dc.description.abstractThe scope of this senior thesis covers searching for lepton flavor violations in the Large Hadron Collider. Using data collected from the Compact Muon Solenoid program at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), I analyze data of the tri-muon decay of the tau, which is a very highly suppressed process in the current Standard Model of particle physics. Constructing muon selection algorithms to efficiently and accurately deter mine the signature of this lepton flavor violating decay process will allow for a better framework of this process. This framework may be used to test the decay process within different modified models of physics, within which the tri-muon decay of the tau may proceed with some measurable rate. This data search and analysis will be adding onto and updating past studies by using the more modern 13 TeV data and Monte Carlo simulation techniques.en_US
dc.titleSearching for Lepton Flavor Violations in the Large Hadron Collideren_US
dc.titleSearching for Lepton Flavor Violations in the Large Hadron Collideren_US
dc.titleSearching for Lepton Flavor Violations in the Large Hadron Collideren_US
dc.typePrinceton University Senior Theses-
pu.certificateApplications of Computing Programen_US
Appears in Collections:Physics, 1936-2020

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