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Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1924-2020

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Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 761 to 780 of 68621
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALSu, Shiye
24-Jul-2020Automated Trainable Data Clustering With Applications in AstronomyMinns, Charlie
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALVercelli, Gabriel
24-Jul-2020Large N, large j: Calculating scaling dimensions of large-charge operators in the O(N) vector modelHyman, Jonah
24-Jul-2020Properties of the O(N) Vector Model in Various DimensionsHuang, Richard
24-Jul-2020TEXTFilippova, Nina
24-Jul-2020Modeling the Atmosphere on Cerro Toco, ChileMorris, Thomas
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALSomalwar, Jean
24-Jul-2020Searching for Lepton Flavor Violations in the Large Hadron ColliderKimmel, Benjamin
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALZheng, Geoffrey
24-Jul-2020Cosmological Constraints on Sub-GeV Dark MatterGiovanetti, Cara
24-Jul-2020Exploring Properties of Galaxy Clusters with the Atacama Cosmology TelescopeMontefalcone, Gabriele
24-Jul-2020TEXTFarajun, Oriel
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALAndo, Henry
24-Jul-2020Self-Interacting Dark Matter Halos in Dwarf GalaxiesGlushchenko, Iryna
24-Jul-2020Electron-Electron Interactions in Twisted Bilayer GrapheneCowsik, Aditya
24-Jul-2020ORIGINALSommers, Grace
24-Jul-2020Minimal surfaces in hyperbolic space and defect CFTsFosbinder-Elkins, Harry
24-Jul-2020Enabling Solar-Powered Personal Electric Vehicles for Short Distance Travel: Study of the Efficiency of a Solar-Powered Golf CarCorbella, Carlota
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 761 to 780 of 68621