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Collection hits:
Collection Name |
Classics, 1934-2019 |
Item hits:
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
16-Aug-2019 | Tonology of the Luruuli/Lunyala Noun | Gottlieb, Caroline de Brito |
24-Jul-2020 | ORIGINAL | Ando, Henry |
15-Jul-2020 | DSPACERwandacensus2012migration.pdf.txt | Deneher, Sarah |
10-Aug-2020 | “Opinions, Statements, Knowledge, Hearsay”: Scientific Controversy in AIDS Origin Theories | Castleman, Caroline |
11-Aug-2020 | ORIGINAL | Park, Soyeong |
13-Aug-2020 | ORIGINAL | Ackley, Roman |
10-Aug-2020 | A Crisis of Education: Female Secondary School Enrollment and Completion through the South Sudanese Civil War | Lewis, Katrin |
11-Aug-2020 | LICENSE | Rose, Johnny |
23-Jul-2020 | In Search of Common Ground: New Natural Law and the Other Animals | Anbar, Sarel |