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IRS Working Papers

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 655
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Aug-2008The Prevalence and Effects of Occupational LicensingKrueger, Alan B.; Kleiner, Morris M.
1-Jun-1974On the Economics of Industrial SafetyOi, Walter Y.
1-May-1984Macroeconomic Analyses and Microeconomic Analyses of Labor SupplyAshenfelter, Orley
1-Aug-1987Why Are Wages Cyclical in the 1970's?Blank, Rebecca
1-Feb-1985Difference Identities for Unemployment RatesCave, George
1-Jan-1974A Note on Estimating the Determinants of Changes in Wages and Earnings.Ashenfelter, Orley; Pencavel, John
1-Aug-1982Indexation in Long Term Labor Contracts: A Theoretical and Empirical AnalysisCard, David
1-May-2008The Effects of Female Sports Participation on Alcohol BehaviorWilde, Elizabeth Ty
1-May-2004Econometric Methods in StaplesAshmore, David; Hosken, Daniel; Baker, Jonathan; Ashenfelter, Orley; Gleason, Suzanne
1-Jul-1990An Experimental Comparison of Dispute Rates in Alternative Arbitration SystemsFarber, Henry S.; Currie, Janet; Spiegel, Matthew; Ashenfelter, Orley
1-May-1976'Ability and Training' Over the Life Cycle: Equilibrium Dynamics in Alternative Models of Human CapitalKillingsworth, Mark R.
1-Dec-1977Modal Choice in the Demand for Child Care by Working WomenYaeger, Kathryn E.
1-Oct-1992The Analysis of Inter-Firm Worker MobilityFarber, Henry S.
1-Jul-1988Grouped Data Estimation and Testing in Simple Labor Supply ModelsAngrist, Joshua
1-Jun-2000Moving to Opportunity in Boston: Early Results of a Randomized Mobility ExperimentKatz, Lawrence; Kling, Jeffrey; Liebman, Jeffrey
1-Apr-1996Stemming the Tide? The Effect of Expanding Medicaid Eligibility on Health Insurance CoverageShore-Sheppard, Lara
1-Dec-1973The Wealth Effect in Occupational ChoiceWeiss, Yoram
1-Nov-1988Endogenous Output in an Aggregate Model of the Labor MarketRosen, Harvey; Quandt, Richard
1-Nov-1990Wage Bargaining with Endogenous Profits, Overtime Working and Heterogeneous LaborMumford, Karen; Dowrick, Steve
1-Dec-1994The Covariance Structure of Intrafamily Earnings, Rising Inequality and Family Labor SupplyHyslop, Dean
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 655