Monographic reports and papers (Publicly Accessible)
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 964
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Sep-2000 | 2000 Census of Population and Housing of the Republic of Palau : Basic Tables | Palau. Office of Planning and Statistics. |
2017 | 2015 Census of Population Housing and Agriculture for the Republic of Palau : Volume 1 : Basic Tables | Palau. Office of Planning and Statistics. Bureau of Budget and Planning. |
May-2006 | Republic of Palau 2005 CENSUS Volume II: Census Monograph : Population and Housing Profile | Palau. Office of Planning and Statistics. |
Dec-2005 | 2005 census of population and housing of the Republic of Palau : Volume 1 : Basic Tables | Palau. Office of Planning and Statistics. |
2012 | Niue Census of Population and Households 2011 | Vaha, Kimray |
2012 | Republic of Nauru National Report on Population and Housing Census 2011 : Count Me In! Ang Kadat Memak 30th October | - |
2018 | I Porti romani nel Mar Rosso da Augusto al Tardoantico | Nappo, Dario |
2010 | Questionnaire : 2010 Census of Population and Housing: Federated States of Micronesia | - |
Jan-2008 | Monitoreo de los compromisos asumidos frente al SIDA en salud sexual y reproductiva. "Sociedad Civil Luchando por Derechos." Informe Argentina | Barreda, Victoria; Mariño, Andrea; Bianco, Mabel B. (Mabel Beatriz); United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) |
2010 | National population and housing census : 2009 | Vanuatu National Statistics Office. |
- | Summary Analysis of Key Indicators from the FSM 2010 Census of Population and Housing | [Federated States of Micronesia] |
2012 | 2012 fertility monograph Federated States of Micronesia. | Micronesia (Federated States) |
2007 | [Population Projections of Bhutan 2005-2030] | - |
- | Bhutan multidimensional poverty index 2017 | - |
Dec-2015 | Reserva de la Biosfera Maya : Plan maestro. Segunda actualización. | Consejo Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (CONAP) |
2017 | Colecciones especiales de bibliotecas de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. | Hernández Rivera, Hilda, R.; Pérez Pelay, José A.; Ríos Arroyo, Iraida; Rodríguez de Jesús, Evelyn Milagros; Villarino Tur, Esther; Comunidad de Práctica Desarrollo Colaborativo de Colecciones de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (CPDCC-UPR) |
Apr-2013 | Mujeres rurales jóvenes y migración en Colombia. | Arias, María Alejandra; Ibáñez, Ana María; Peña, Ximena |
2013 | Applying for Asylum Based on Gender Identity Persecution | - |
21-Oct-2015 | Coming Out of Concrete Closets: A Report on Black & Pink's National LGBTQ Prisoner Survey | Lydon, Jason; Carrington, Kamaria; Low, Hana; Miller, Reed; Yazdy, Mahsa; survey, healthcare |
2017 | Navigating Prison Policies and Exhaustion A guide for people incarcerated in Pennsylvania | Black and Pink, Northeastern University School of Law |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 964