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Monographic reports and papers (Publicly Accessible)

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 964
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018"Periods are a shameful thing in North Korea" : The state of menstrul health of North Korean womenAn, Hyŏn-min; Sim, Chin-a
2012Archaia Makedonia :glōssa, historia, politismosGiannakis, Georgios K; Zahrnt, Michael; Crespo, Emilio; Dosuna, Julián Méndez
Sep-20132010 population and housing census : volume 1Barbados Statistical Service
30-Nov-2012Trinidad and Tobago 2011 Population and Housing Census Demographic Report.Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development. Central Statistical Office.
2001St. Vincent and the Grenadines : population and housing census report 2001Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Statistical Office.
2017St. Vincent and the Grenadines : population and housing census report 2012St. Vincent and the Grenadines Statistical Office.Central Planning Division. Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
2003Saint Lucia 2001 Population and Housing Census ReportSaint Lucia Government Statistics Department
Apr-20112010 Population and Housing Census Preliminary Report (Updated April 2011)St. Lucia. Central Statistics Office
Dec-2016La guerra contra las mujeresSegato, Rita Laura
Nov-2014Viaje por la invisibilidad de los afroamericanos.Espinosa, Eduardo Luis
Apr-2010Perú: mapa del déficit de agua y saneamiento básico a nivel distrital, 2007.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo (CIDE), Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEÍ)
Jun-2019A Reproductive Health and Population Studies Bibliography in Memory of James TrussellDonatiello, Joann; Hartman, Tracy; Liu, C. Sophia; Wolf-Liebhart, Barbara
1972Liechtensteinische Volkszählung [1970].Liechtenstein. Amt für Statistik.
1995Liechtensteinische Volkszählung 1990.Liechtenstein. Amt für Volkswirtschaft.
2017Volkszählung 2015Liechtenstein. Amt für Statistik.
2013Volkszählung 2010.Liechtenstein. Amt für Statistik.
20136° censimento generale della popolazione [ 7 novembre 2010] : contiamo su di voiSan Marino. Ufficio Informatica, Tecnologia, Dati e Statistica
2003Recensement de la population 2001 : résultats détaillés.Luxembourg. Service central de la statistique et des études économiques.
Jun-2014Census 2011 : Ireland and Northern Ireland /Ireland. Central Statistics Office, ; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency,
Nov-2014Dutch Census 2011Nordholt;, E Schulte; van Zeijl, Jantien; Hoeksma, Lieneke
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 964