Monographic reports and papers (Publicly Accessible)
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 964
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | "Periods are a shameful thing in North Korea" : The state of menstrul health of North Korean women | An, Hyŏn-min; Sim, Chin-a |
2012 | Archaia Makedonia :glōssa, historia, politismos | Giannakis, Georgios K; Zahrnt, Michael; Crespo, Emilio; Dosuna, Julián Méndez |
Sep-2013 | 2010 population and housing census : volume 1 | Barbados Statistical Service |
30-Nov-2012 | Trinidad and Tobago 2011 Population and Housing Census Demographic Report. | Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development. Central Statistical Office. |
2001 | St. Vincent and the Grenadines : population and housing census report 2001 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Statistical Office. |
2017 | St. Vincent and the Grenadines : population and housing census report 2012 | St. Vincent and the Grenadines Statistical Office.Central Planning Division. Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development |
2003 | Saint Lucia 2001 Population and Housing Census Report | Saint Lucia Government Statistics Department |
Apr-2011 | 2010 Population and Housing Census Preliminary Report (Updated April 2011) | St. Lucia. Central Statistics Office |
Dec-2016 | La guerra contra las mujeres | Segato, Rita Laura |
Nov-2014 | Viaje por la invisibilidad de los afroamericanos. | Espinosa, Eduardo Luis |
Apr-2010 | Perú: mapa del déficit de agua y saneamiento básico a nivel distrital, 2007. | Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo (CIDE), Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEÍ) |
Jun-2019 | A Reproductive Health and Population Studies Bibliography in Memory of James Trussell | Donatiello, Joann; Hartman, Tracy; Liu, C. Sophia; Wolf-Liebhart, Barbara |
1972 | Liechtensteinische Volkszählung [1970]. | Liechtenstein. Amt für Statistik. |
1995 | Liechtensteinische Volkszählung 1990. | Liechtenstein. Amt für Volkswirtschaft. |
2017 | Volkszählung 2015 | Liechtenstein. Amt für Statistik. |
2013 | Volkszählung 2010. | Liechtenstein. Amt für Statistik. |
2013 | 6° censimento generale della popolazione [ 7 novembre 2010] : contiamo su di voi | San Marino. Ufficio Informatica, Tecnologia, Dati e Statistica |
2003 | Recensement de la population 2001 : résultats détaillés. | Luxembourg. Service central de la statistique et des études économiques. |
Jun-2014 | Census 2011 : Ireland and Northern Ireland / | Ireland. Central Statistics Office, ; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency, |
Nov-2014 | Dutch Census 2011 | Nordholt;, E Schulte; van Zeijl, Jantien; Hoeksma, Lieneke |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 964