Economics, 1927-2020
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 7556
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
10-Jul-2019 | 'We Been Here!': An Economic Analysis of Gentrification in New York City | Hipolito, Fernando |
10-Jul-2019 | Fundamentally Sentimental: A Cointegration Approach to Disentangling Forces of Demand in the Bitcoin Market | Harner, Brett |
10-Jul-2019 | The Effects of Maternal Employment on Adolescent Behavior and Social Outcomes | Han, Lisha |
10-Jul-2019 | Different Structures, Different Outcomes: An Empirical Study on the Effect of School District Structures on Equity in Student Achievement Across the United States | Hall, Luke |
10-Jul-2019 | Who Wins in Spinoffs and Why: Investigating the Stockholder-Bondholder Conflict in Corporate Spinoffs Via Information from CDS Markets | Grealy, George |
10-Jul-2019 | The Effect of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) on the Standard of Living in California | Gramajo, Eli |
10-Jul-2019 | Is the Market Pricing Climate Change Risk? | Grah, Olivia |
10-Jul-2019 | How Well Does Tech Have You Covered? The Effect of InsurTech Firms on Productivity in the Insurance Industry | Goodwin, Matt |
10-Jul-2019 | Who Really Keeps Count of Guns? An Empirical Study of Legislation’s Impact on Firearm Purchases in the United States | Goodman, Tamia |
10-Jul-2019 | Better Late Than Never? Income-Based Repayment and Its Effects on Individuals and the Economy | Glenn, Rachel |
10-Jul-2019 | Diverging Income, Emerging Debt: A State-Level Analysis of Inequality Induced Credit Creation | Gizzie, Ryan |
10-Jul-2019 | Exploring the Effect of Gross Feed-In Tariffs for Solar Photovoltaic Systems on Household Electricity Consumption: Is There Evidence of a Rebound Effect? | Forrest, Gabi |
10-Jul-2019 | Housing the Homeless: How Organizational Modifications to the San Francisco Homeless Outreach Team and San Francisco Housing Authority Has Impacted the Unsheltered Homeless Population | Flynn, Joe |
10-Jul-2019 | The Effect of Corporate Earnings Announcements on the Volatility of Equity Prices: A New Methodology for More Accurate and Reliable Predictions | Feiler, Christian |
10-Jul-2019 | Overcoming Overdose: An Analysis on the Efficacy of the First State-Mandated Opioid Restriction Law | Feeley, Kate |
10-Jul-2019 | Religion as a Determinant of Private Saving Rates: A Cross-Country Panel Analysis | Elsegood, Ralph |
10-Jul-2019 | A Longitudinal Analysis of FEMA-Declared Natural Disasters, Labor Outcomes, and Migration | Duffey, Sam |
10-Jul-2019 | WELFARE AND ADVERSE IMMIGRATION | Dudey, Michael |
10-Jul-2019 | Role of Supply Shocks in Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations: The Inclusion of Commodity Price Shocks | Deng, Lubin |
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 7556