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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012AdS/CFT in String Theory and M-TheoryGulotta, Daniel Robert
2017Aspects of higher-spin conformal field theories and their renormalization group flowsDiab, Kenan Sebastian
2018Black Holes and ChaosTuriaci, Gustavo Joaquin
2018Characterizing Information in Physical Systems: from Biology to Black HolesMcGough, Lauren
2017Conformal and Nearly Conformal Theories at Large NTarnoplskiy, Grigory M
2016Dynamics of Atmospheric Boundary Layers: Large Eddy Simulations and Reduced Analytical ModelsMomen, Mostafa
2012Evaporation of 2-Dimensional Black HolesRamazanoglu, Fethi Mubin
2018Extragalactic Searches for Dark Matter AnnihilationMishra-Sharma, Siddharth
2015First Principles Studies on Anatase SurfacesSelcuk, Sencer
2017Generating curvature perturbations in a contracting universeLevy, Aaron Michael
2013Grassmannian Origin of Scattering AmplitudesTrnka, Jaroslav
2019Gravitational Dynamics of Near Extremal Black Holesyang, zhenbin
2012Many-body localizationPal, Arijeet
2012The microstructures of cold dense systems as informed by hard sphere models and optimal packingsHopkins, Adam Bayne
2021New Developments in Vector, Matrix and Tensor Quantum Field TheoriesPopov, Fedor
2017Nonlinear and Dynamical Processes in Complex LasersMalik, Omer
2021On Symmetries, Anomalies and Their GeneralizationsLam, Ho Tat
2020On-shell methods and positive geometryYelleshpur Srikant, Akshay
2015On-shell scattering and temperature-reflectionsMcGady, David A.