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Showing results 1 to 20 of 92  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Feb-20092007 census of population and housing : labour force, employment and unemployment-
2017Algorithms for Image Restoration and 3D Reconstruction from Cryo-EM ImagesBhamre, Tejal
2013Applications of Latent Variable Models for Modeling Influence and Decision MakingGerrish, Sean Michael
2013Applications of Machine Learning to Location DataKapicioglu, Berk
2021Approximate Bayesian methods for optimal neural coding and decision-makingMorais, Michael J
2019Associations and Confounding in High-Dimensional GenomicsDarnell, Gregory
2021Bayesian Modeling of Single Cell ExpressionVerma, Archit
2019Bayesian Techniques for Finding and Characterizing Variable Stars: Application to the Hungarian-made Automated Telescope SurveysHoffman, John
2021Big Data in Financial EconomicsXue, Lirong
2017Black Box Variational Inference: Scalable, Generic Bayesian Computation and its ApplicationsRanganath, Rajesh
15-Oct-2008Census 2007 results : population size, growth, structure and distribution-
2013A Census of Distant, Giant ExoplanetsBrandt, Timothy David
2018Combinatorial Inference for Large-Scale Data AnalysisLu, Junwei
2017Decoding 3 Categories of Conventional Wisdom in Pattern Similarity AnalysesChow, Michael Anthony
2018Distributed and Robust Statistical LearningZhu, Ziwei
2021Efficient Estimation and Inference in Nonconvex Low-Complexity ModelsCai, Changxiao
2019Empirical and Computational Methods for Electoral PoliticsFifield, Benjamin
12-May-2010Enquadramento Demográfico da Protecção Social em Moçambique: Dinâmicas Recentes e Cenários ProspectivosFrancisco, António
2015Essays in Applied International TradeCebreros Zurita, Carlos Alfonso