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Showing results 1 to 20 of 857  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Africa: Reaffirming Our CommitmentOlukoshi, Adebayo; Ouédraogo, Jean-Bernard; Sall, Ebrima
2008Changing Cuba/Changing WorldFont, Mauricio A.
2011Cuba Futures: Cuba and the WorldFont, M. editor
2011Cuba Futures: Politics and Civil Society in Contemporary CubaFont, M. editor
Aug-2018Gender, Law, and SecurityLiechtenstein Institute on Self Determination; English, Beth; Buckinx, Barbara; Aiello, Jack; Aronoff, Maya; Chotrani, Dina; Docampo, Isabel; Kalinowska, Kasia; Ninan, Rebekah; Sakha, Sarah Ariyan; Quinn, Caitlin; Wu, Angela
Dec-2019Gender, Law, and Security (volume II)English, Beth; Buckinx, Barbara; Morrison, Amanda; Rodriguez Gallego, Kiara; Gandikota-Nellutla, Varsha; Gordon, Sarah; Malhotra, Ananya Agustin; Powell, Katherine; Johnson, Jennifer K.; Lee, Grace; Ladue, Mikaylah
2020Help Wanted: Unemployment and the Politicization of Economic HardshipIncantalupo, Matthew
2015Making a "Model" System: Race, Education and Politics in the Nation's Capital Before Brown, 1930-1950Hamilton, Tikia Kenise
2021Philosophizing against Hegemons: Humanities Studies and the Politics of Reading in South KoreaNam, Shinjung
2018Political Disappointment: A Partial History of a FeelingMarcus, Sara
2021Power and Vulnerability: Plato’s Gorgias in ContextWalling, Ian
2012The Power of judgment: Aesthetics and Politics in Kant, Hegel, and KleistJohnston, Walter
2017Practicing Politics in the Revolutionary Atlantic World: Secrecy, Publicity, and the Making of Modern DemocracyCarter, Katlyn Marie
25-Oct-2019Reformasi weekly, 25 October 2019O'Rourke, Kevin
1-Apr-2005Reformasi weekly, 1 April 2005O'Rourke, Kevin
1-Apr-2011Reformasi weekly, 1 April 2011O'Rourke, Kevin
1-Apr-2016Reformasi weekly, 1 April 2016O'Rourke, Kevin
1-Aug-2008Reformasi weekly, 1 August 2008O'Rourke, Kevin
1-Dec-2003Reformasi weekly, 1 December 2003O'Rourke, Kevin
1-Dec-2006Reformasi weekly, 1 December 2006O'Rourke, Kevin