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Showing results 1 to 20 of 159  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016A Theory of Blame and BlameworthinessGease, Arlyss
2014The Age of Inexperience: Theories of Unlived Love in Early Modern FranceLaBrada, Eloy Francisco Rodriguez
2012Ambition and Rebellion: Citizen Motivation and the Spirited Passions in the Political Thought of Plato and XenophonVandiver, Joshua Jon
2012Anarquismos literarios: Jorge Luis Borges y Macedonio FernándezRosa, Luis Othoniel
2018Antiquity in Dark Times: Classical Reception in the Thought of Theodor Adorno and Erich AuerbachUmachandran, Mathura Yalini
2025Aristotle on EggsWoodcock, Norah
2015Aristotle on Ethical EpistemologyMcDavid, Brennan K.
2016Aristotle on Remembering and RecollectingParsons, Rachel Gillian
2016Aristotle on Unmoved Mover and its NecessityWang, Wei
2011Aristotle's Eudemian Account of FriendshipGartner, Corinne Andrea
2017Art, Value, and Relationships of PartialityCross, Anthony
2013Aspects of ConsequenceWoods, Jack
2019Assessing Competing Claims to Speak over Mass Media: The Priority of Audiences' Epistemic ClaimsMiller, Erin Lynn
2016Beholden by Love: A Study in the Apophasis of Dostoevsky’s PoeticsZhernokleyev, Denis
2019Between Virtue & Temptation: Self-Control, Action, & Practical Thought in Aristotle's EthicsGibson, Christopher-Marcus
2017Beyond the Bildungsroman Illusion: Representations of Intellectual Development In the Works of George Eliot and G.W.F. HegelLerro, Eduardo
2017Categories We (Aim to) Live ByDembroff, Robin
2013Causal Independence and Divine Support in Spinoza and LeibnizPrimus, Kristin
2017Changing Along with the World: Adaptive Agency in Early ChinaValmisa Oviedo, Mercedes