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Showing results 1 to 20 of 101  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018A Physical Zero-Knowledge Proof and Unclonable Sensors for Nuclear Warhead VerificationPhilippe, Sébastien
2012Adhesion and contact in soft and hard materials: From organic electronics to medical devicesDu, Jing
2014Advances in the Design of High-Performance Flow ControlChen, Kevin Kuan-Wei
2012Analysis and Prediction of Decision Making with Social FeedbackStewart, Andrew Reed
2022Analysis of a spectral wave model for air-sea carbon dioxide fluxesRamsurrun, Sheetal
2013Application of empirical and dynamical closure methods to simple climate modelsPadilla, Lauren
2014Bionic NanosystemsSebastian mannoor, Manu
2016Bounding Volume Hierarchy and Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines for Contact Enforcement in Large Deformation Finite Element Analysis of Sheet Metal FormingLuet, David Joseph
2022Bubble motion and break-up in turbulence: fluid mechanics affecting bubbles entrained by breaking wavesRuth, Daniel
2025Channel flow that reduces pressure drop, minimizes friction, improves heat transfer, and facilitates cleaningLouis, Marcel Michael
2018Characterization of batteries using ultrasound: applications for battery management and structural determinationDavies, Gregory
2019Chemistry and Dynamics of Counterflow Cool FlamesReuter, Christopher Bryan
2016Chemistry-transport coupling in flame dynamics and emissionsDeng, Sili
2015Coherent structures in turbulent pipe flowHellstroem, Leo Hugo Oskar
2018Computational Simulation and Modeling of Heat Release Effects on Turbulence in Turbulent Reacting FlowMacArt, Jonathan Francis
2019Computationally Efficient Large Eddy Simulation of Multi-Stream Partially Premixed Turbulent CombustionPerry, Bruce Alan
2014Constitutive model development for flows of granular materialsChialvo, Sebastian
2014Control of the Transitional Boundary LayerBelson, Brandt
2015Coupled Mechanical and Electrochemical Phenomena in Lithium-Ion BatteriesCannarella, John
2020Data-driven Modeling for Fluid Dynamics and ControlZhang, Hao