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Showing results 1 to 19 of 64  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025A Satellite for All: Law, Technology, and Empire in the Global Cold War, 1959-1973Durrani, Haris Adnan
2015Accountable AlgorithmsKroll, Joshua Alexander
2017Aging in Bondage: Slavery, Debility, and the Problem of Dependency in the Antebellum SouthLerner, Alexandra (Alix)
2016American Steamboat Gothic: Disruptive Commerce and Slavery's Liquidation, 1832-1865Axtell, Matthew
2019At the Limits of Law: Necessity in Islamic Legal History, Second/Eighth Through Tenth/Sixteenth CenturiesLee, Dana Elizabeth
2013Authority and Legal ObligationMark, Daniel Ian
2018Boats in a Storm: Law, Politics, and Jurisdiction in Postwar South AsiaRamnath, Kalyani
2013The Boilerplate of Everything and the Ideal of Agreement in American Law and LiteratureKastner, Tal
2014Bones, Breath, Body: The Life of an Indigenously Owned New Zealand CorporationGordon, Gwendolyn
2016Borrowing Werther: The Rise and Regulation of Fan Fiction in Eighteenth-Century GermanyBirkhold, Matthew Hoover
2014Colonial Legacy and Administrative Memory: The Legal Construction of Citizenship in India, Israel and CyprusBerda, Yael
2018Congress and the Problem of Legislative Discretion, 1790-1870Manners, Jane
2015Constitutional Resistance in the States Between Reconstruction and the New DealBeienburg, Sean
2012Contested Constraints: Regulatory Statutes in America's Modern Administrative StateWallach, Philip Alexander
2012Courting Jurisdictions: Colonial Administration of Islamic Law Pertaining to Arabs in the British Straits Settlements and the Netherlands East Indies, 1860-1941Yahaya, Nurfadzilah
2019Cows, Cars, and Criminals: The Legal Landscape of the Rural Midwest, 1920-1975Prifogle, Emily Alise
2018Creating American Land: A Territorial History from the Albany Plan to the U.S. ConstitutionGreen, Craig
2018Dialogue and Domination: A Theory of Judicial ReviewSigalet, Geoffrey