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Showing results 1 to 17 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Conceptions of Time and Rhythms of Daily Life in Rabbinic Literature, 200-600 C.E.Kattan Gribetz, Sarit
2012Enacting a "Living Script": Moses Mendelssohn on History, Practice, and ReligionSacks, Elias Reinhold
2017Encounter and Embodiment: Martin Buber's Philosophical Anthropology ReconsideredPlevan, William M.
2017German and the Language Politics of Jewish Nationalism, 1870-1939Volovici, Marc
2013In the Courts of the Nations: Jews, Muslims, and Legal Pluralism in Nineteenth-Century MoroccoMarglin, Jessica Maya
2014Israel Among the Angels: A Study of Angels in Jewish Texts from the Fourth to Eighth Century CEAhuvia, Mika
2013Law and Society in the Dead Sea ScrollsAmihay, Aryeh
2014The Meaning and End of Heresy in Rabbinic LiteratureGrossberg, David Michael
2014Objects of Affection: The Material Religion of American Jewish NostalgiaGross, Rachel Beth
2020Teachers, Prophets and Exegetes: Jewish and Early Christian Intellectual History, 200 BCE – 200 CELamm, Tzvi
2014"That's What Makes Me a Jew and Him a Baptist": Jews, Southern Baptists, and the American Public Square in the Era of ReaganArmstrong, April Charity
2018The Life of Psalms in Late AntiquityBerkovitz, Abraham Jacob
2019The Philosopher as Witness: Hermann Cohen's Philosophers and the Trials of Wissenschaft des JudentumsBillet, Shira
2025Warring With Words: Scripting Militant Devotion in the War Scroll and the Book of RevelationHaigh, Rebekah
2018We Will Not Be Told Whom to Love: Affection, Religious Courts, and the Struggle for Civil Marriage in IsraelWamboldt, Alexander Steven
2014Women, Gender and Law: Marital Disputes According to Documents of the Cairo GenizaZinger, Oded