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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Analysis of a spectral wave model for air-sea carbon dioxide fluxesRamsurrun, Sheetal
2025Channel flow that reduces pressure drop, minimizes friction, improves heat transfer, and facilitates cleaningLouis, Marcel Michael
2018Computational Simulation and Modeling of Heat Release Effects on Turbulence in Turbulent Reacting FlowMacArt, Jonathan Francis
2021Data-driven multiscale modeling of gas-particle flowsJiang, Yundi
2018Dynamics of Drop Impact on Liquid FilmTang, Xiaoyu
2022Elastic turbulence in porous mediaBrowne, Christopher A
2021Experimental Methods for Understanding Turbulence in the Lower AtmosphereHuang, Yi-Chun
2018Fluid-Structure Interactions for Energy and the EnvironmentLai, Ching-Yao
2019Heat, Air and Water: How Cities Create Their Own HydroclimatesOmidvar, Hamidreza
2019High-Resolution Printing of Complex Fluids Using Blister-Actuated Laser-Induced Forward TransferTurkoz, Emre
2019Hydromechanics and Optimization of Fast and Efficient SwimmingFloryan, Daniel
2018Internal Wave Scattering in Continental Slope CanyonsNazarian, Robert
2020Manipulating Multiphase Flows using Physical or Chemical MechanismsLiu, Ying
2021Modeling laser-gas interactions for aerospace applicationsNew-Tolley, Matthew Raymond
2021Modeling Multiphase Flow Through and Around Multiscale Deformable Porous MaterialsCarrillo, Francisco Jose
2021Multiphase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous MediaLu, Nancy Bui
2022Physics-Based Uncertainty Quantification for Turbulent FlowsKlemmer, Kerry Serena
2017Reduced-order modeling of fluids systems, with applications in unsteady aerodynamicsDawson, Scott Thomas McGregor
2019Some regularity properties for two equations arising from flowsChen, Eric Christopher
2018The Development and Characterization of Femtosecond Laser Velocimetry MethodsZhang, Yibin