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Browsing by Subject Computational physics

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Analysis of gas-particle flows through multi-scale simulationsGu, Yile
2022Biophysical Modeling of the Growth and Motion of Bacterial PopulationsAmchin, Daniel Benjamin
2018Computational Simulation and Modeling of Heat Release Effects on Turbulence in Turbulent Reacting FlowMacArt, Jonathan Francis
2021Data-driven multiscale modeling of gas-particle flowsJiang, Yundi
2019Dynamics and Operations of Photonic NeuronsNahmias, Mitchell Aaron
2017Exotic Ordered and Disordered Many-Particle Systems with Novel PropertiesZhang, Ge
2019High-order finite volume methods for magnetohydrodynamics with applications in computational astrophysicsFelker, Kyle Gerard
2020Manifold-Based Modeling of Turbulent Reacting Flows: Cool Flames and Multi-Modal CombustionNovoselov, Alex Gregory
2017Modeling microstructural evolution during crystallization: from organic thin films to electrodeposited metalsFang, Alta Ying
2021Modeling Multiphase Flow Through and Around Multiscale Deformable Porous MaterialsCarrillo, Francisco Jose
2018Multi-phase field models and microstructural evolution with applications in fuel cell technologyDavis, Ryan Scott
2021Particle Methods for Modeling Magnetospheric Diagnostics and Low-Temperature Plasma PhysicsPowis, Andrew Tasman
2022Physics-Based Uncertainty Quantification for Turbulent FlowsKlemmer, Kerry Serena
2020Probabilistic Modeling of Structure in Science: Statistical Physics to Recommender SystemsAltosaar, Jaan
2020Quantum Hydrodynamics: Theory and Computation with Applications to Charged Particle Stopping in Warm Dense MatterMichta, David
2020Shock Wave--Turbulence InteractionsGrube, Nathan Elias
2019Surfactant and Colloid Self-Assembly SimulationsSantos, Andrew Pablo
2022The Development, Verification, and Validation of a Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Navier-Stokes EquationsLohry, Mark William
2017Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Unconventional Routes to Evaporation in Liquids and GlassesAltabet, Yehuda Elia