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Showing results 1 to 20 of 99  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021A "Sublime Art": Akinola Lasekan and Colonial Modernism in NigeriaLathrop, Perrin Melissa
2016A Rule Without Measure: Michelangelo and French painting 1814-1837Doyle, Allan Patrick
2017Afro-Brazilian Architecture in Southwest Colonial Nigeria (1890s-1940s)Teriba, Adedoyin
2022After the Disaster: Architecture and Ruination in Twentieth-Century JapanRisteen, Nicholas
2013Airs of Modernity 1881-1914Ramirez, Enrique Gualberto
2014Alternate Organics: The aesthetics of experimentation in art, technology & architecture in postwar ItalyImperiale, Alicia A.
2013The Apparently Marginal Activities of Marcel DuchampFilipovic, Elena
2012Architectural Agency and the Construction of Athenian DemocracyPaga, Jessica
2012Architectural Translations: Giuseppe Barberi (1746-1809) between Rome & ParisRiggs, Marion
2015Art, Astrology, and the Apocalypse: Visualizing the Occult in Post-Reformation GermanyMorris, Jennifer A.
2019Art/Work: The Systems-Oriented Artist Expert, 1968–1984Handwerker, Margo Kelly
2017At the Threshold of the Heavens: The Narthex and Adjacent Spaces in Middle Byzantine Churches of Mount Athos (10th-11th Centuries) - Architecture, Function, and MeaningStankovic, Nebojsa
2020Áudio-Visual: The Slide as Medium in Brazilian Artde Laforcade, Sonia
2014A Beautiful Leisure: The Decadent Architectural Humanism of Geoffrey Scott, Bernard and Mary BerensonCampbell, Mark
2018Bernhard Pankok and Design Reform in Germany, 1895-1914Fox, Peter
2013Between City and Country: Architecture, Site, and Patronage at Palladio's Villa Pisani at MontagnanaHeinrichs, Johanna D.
2013Between the 'Well-Laid Table' and the 'Marketplace': Alvin Boyarsky's Experiments in Architectural PedagogySunwoo, Irene
2012Between the Heart and the Mind: Ways of Drawing in the Seventeenth CenturyFowler, Caroline
2019Bronze Cultures in the Middle Yangtze River Valley (c. 1500-1000 BCE)Cao, Yecheng
2016Building Faith: Ethiopian Art and Architecture During the Jesuit Interlude, 1557-1632Windmuller-Luna, Kristen Daisy