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Browsing by Academic Advisor Skinner, Christopher

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Class YearAuthor(s)TitleAdvisor
-Thackeray, Henry RobertA Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer formula for high-weight modular formsSkinner, Christopher
-Kriz, DanielA New p-adic Maass-Shimura Operator and Supersingular Rankin-Selberg p-adic L-functionsZhang, Shou-Wu; Skinner, Christopher
2008Elliot, Ross F.Alexander Polynomials of Period Knots: A Homological Proof and Twisted ExtensionSkinner, Christopher
2022Lai, ShilinAlgebraic aspects of Iwasawa theory in the Gan--Gross--Prasad settingSkinner, Christopher
-Collins, Dan JackAnticyclotomic p-adic L-functions and Ichino's formulaSkinner, Christopher
2020Lin, AliceBorcherds products for O(2,2) and the \(\theta\) operator on p-adic Hilbert modular formsSkinner, Christopher
2020Hu, GaryComplex Multiplication and Canonical Models of Modular CurvesSkinner, Christopher
2014Kriz, DanielCongruences Between Abel-Jacobi Images of Generalized Heegner Cycles and Special Values of P-Adic L-FunctionsSkinner, Christopher
2019Marks, SamuelDerivatives of p-adic Siegel Eisenstein series and p-adic degrees of arithmetic cyclesSkinner, Christopher
2016Diop Gonzalez, MarcoElliptic Curve Cryptography and Schoof's Point Counting AlgorithmSkinner, Christopher
2010Chiriac, LiubomirEuclidean Ideal ClassesSkinner, Christopher
2013Corwin, David AlexanderGalois Representations Associated to Modular Forms of Higher WeightSkinner, Christopher
-WAN, XINthe Iwasawa Theory for Unitary groupsSkinner, Christopher
-Jin, ZhaorongOn certain families of special cycles on Shimura varietiesSkinner, Christopher
2019Zanarella, MuriloOn Howard's main conjecture and the Heegner point Kolyvagin systemSkinner, Christopher; Castella, Francesc
2020Chandran, KapilORIGINALSkinner, Christopher
2013Li, Zane KunRank 1 Quadratic Twists of Elliptic Curves and 3-Selmer GroupsSkinner, Christopher
-Pollack, AaronRankin-Selberg integrals in many complex variables and Rankin-Selberg integrals associated to non-unique modelsSkinner, Christopher
2013Trebat-Leder, Sarah IsabelRanks of Elliptic Curves and a Generalization of the Congruent Number ProblemSkinner, Christopher
2008Arreche, Carlos E.The Rigidity Method for the Inverse Galois Problem over QSkinner, Christopher