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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30  next >
Class YearAuthor(s)TitleAdvisor
2019Amour, CJDe Anima II 5 + II 6: Perception and Perceptible Objects in AristotleLorenz, Hendrik
2025Woodcock, NorahAristotle on EggsMorison, Benjamin; Lorenz, Hendrik
-Parsons, Rachel GillianAristotle on Remembering and RecollectingLorenz, Hendrik
-Gartner, Corinne AndreaAristotle's Eudemian Account of FriendshipLorenz, Hendrik; Cooper, John M.
2008Cwidak-Kusbach, Michael P.The Conception of First Philosophy, Theology, Being & Substance in the Aristotelian MetaphysicsLorenz, Hendrik
2015Di Rosa, ElenaA Contemporary Theory of Responsibility: What Aristotle Can Teach usLorenz, Hendrik
2010Hawila, Amanda NourA Defense of Plato: Recollection, Affinity and Attunement in the PHAEDOLorenz, Hendrik
2018Toyoda, MasakoEpisteme in Republic 5 - 7Lorenz, Hendrik
2018Morris, KekoaThe God of IntelligibilityLorenz, Hendrik
2013Ahlum, StuartThe Happy Life and the Virtuous Man in Aristotle’s Nicomachean EthicsLorenz, Hendrik
-Cohoe, Caleb MurrayThe Human Intellect: Aristotle's Conception of Nous in his De AnimaLorenz, Hendrik; Cooper, John M
2006Schwartz, TrevorImitation and Poetry in Plato’s RepublicLorenz, Hendrik
2005Harris, Bradley YatesIrreconcilable Differences: Socratic Intellectualism versus Sophistic RelativismLorenz, Hendrik
-Anderson, Merrick E.Justice and Prospering: Ancient Debates, Disagreements, and DilemmasLorenz, Hendrik
-Kaufman, David HolmesLove, Compassion and Other Vices: A History of the Stoic Theory of the EmotionsLorenz, Hendrik
-Crager, Adam DavidMeta-logic in Aristotle's EpistemologyMorison, Benjamin; Lorenz, Hendrik
2006Welton, Cleland Burwell, IINietzsche’s SocratesLorenz, Hendrik
2007Gomer, Sophie C.On Aristotle’s Conception of HappinessLorenz, Hendrik
-Schwab, WhitneyOpinion, Knowledge, and Understanding in Plato's Meno and RepublicMorison, Benjamin CA; Lorenz, Hendrik