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Class YearAuthor(s)TitleAdvisor
1994Cherico, Louis K.The Adversarial Relationship Between the American Steel Industry and United States Government: How it Impacted on the Industry's DeclineKatz, Stanley
2019Rasmussen, SamAn Alternate Conception of Soft Power: Chinese Understanding and Use of Soft Power as Examined Using Examples From MyanmarKatz, Stanley
2003Wang, AliceThe American Symphony Orchestra: Renewable Audiences or a Dying Institution?Katz, Stanley
1994McGuire, Robert A.Analyzing the Case for English as the Official Language of the United States GovernmentKatz, Stanley
2004Tripp, LindseyBalancing Liberty and Security: An Analysis of the Immigration Provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001Katz, Stanley
2008Spolin, AaronBearing False Witness: The Dangers of Accidental Witness MisidentificationKatz, Stanley
2008Moore, ScottA Better Image of Ourselves: National Service as Public Policy in the Twenty-First CenturyKatz, Stanley
2008Hsia, Stephen M.Between Mission and Margin: Are New Legal Forms Needed for Social Enterprise in the US?Katz, Stanley
2001Shariff, AliyaBeyond Peace: Prospects and Challenges for Democratization in PalestineKatz, Stanley
2009Ziowlkowski, Yetta JoyBeyond the Force of Reason: The Recognition and Institutionalization of Islam in ItalyKatz, Stanley
2006Goldfeld, MalvinaBucking the Trend: Argentina's Arabs, Jews and Muslims Engaging in an Era of DisengagementKatz, Stanley
2012Liu, An-TingCambodian Civil Society's Tango with LANGO: Using Social Trust to Consolidate DemocracyKatz, Stanley
2004Shen, AudreyCity of Angels, City of Immigrants: Considering the State's Role in Fostering Political and Civic EngagementKatz, Stanley
1996Wright, Charles FrederickA Civil Libertarian's Dilemma: Attorney General Francis Biddle's Role in the Decision to Evacuate Japanese Americans during World War IIKatz, Stanley
2014Xu, MengyiCivil Society and China’s Compliance with the Framework Convention on Tobacco ControlKatz, Stanley
2020Baylis, GraceCombatting human trafficking does not have to be at the expense of sex workers. Policy recommendations for the United Kingdom to reduce human trafficking and protect sex workersKatz, Stanley
1993Tadikonda, Madhav A.Compensatory Discrimination Policy in Modern IndiaKatz, Stanley
2000Goethel, Amber MarieThe Comprehensive Community Development Corporation: An Instrument Adept at Treating and Preventing American Inner-City PovertyKatz, Stanley
2004Wagner, NelsonConfronting the Past, Constructing a Future: Lessons from the South African AmnestyKatz, Stanley