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Showing results 1 to 20 of 34  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025A Satellite for All: Law, Technology, and Empire in the Global Cold War, 1959-1973Durrani, Haris Adnan
2019Airborne Colony: Culture and Politics of Aviation in India, 1910-1939George, Joppan
2017An Awful Gladness: African American Experiences of Infant Death from Slavery to the Great MigrationMuigai, Wangui
2016Brain and Soul in Late AntiquityWright, Jessica Louise
2015'Current' Events: Galvanism and the World of Scientific Information, 1790-1830Watts, Iain P.
2016Distributions in Postwar MathematicsBarany, Michael Jeremy
2015Family Matters: Managing Illness in Late Tokugawa Japan, 1750-1868Young, William Evan
2018From Form to Norm: Systems and Values in German Design circa 1922, 1936, 1953Meister, Anna-Maria
2021How to Do Sleep with Words: Sleep Experiments in Literature, Science, and Society, 1899-1929Klinger, Sebastian
2019Knowing Number: Mathematics, Astronomy, and the Changing Culture of Learning in Middle-Period China, 1100-1300Guo, Jinsong
2015The Latin American Experience with Development: Social Sciences, Economic Policies, and the Making of a Global Order, 1944-1971Fajardo, Maria Margarita
2016Life and Limb: Technology, Surgery, and Bodily Loss in Early Modern Germany, 1500-1700Hausse, Heidi
2018Making the Body Speak: Anatomy, Autopsy and Testimony in Early America, 1639-1790Rosen, Rebecca Mirkinson
2016Medicine on the Battlefield: the History of Army Medics in Modern JapanHarari, Reut
2016Mutiny’s Bounty: Pitcairn Islanders and the Making of a Natural Laboratory on the Edge of Britain’s Pacific EmpireYoung, Adrian Michael
2016Nominally Rational: Systematic Nomenclature and the Structure of Organic Chemistry, 1889-1940Hepler-Smith, Evan
2019Phlogisticated Relations: Lichtenberg and Ritter's Readings of ChemistryMalagon, Carolina
2017Plagued Bodies and Spaces: Medicine, Trade, and Death in Ottoman Egypt and Tunisia, 1705-1830 CEBonhomme, Edna
2019Popular Science and Modernist PoetryGreen, Elspeth
2018Reinventing International Nuclear Safeguards in the Centrifuge Enrichment EraWalker, Mark Edwin