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- United Nations Fund for Population Activities. 5
- United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) 1
- United Nations General Assembly/Security Council 4
- United Nations Population Fund 7
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Pacific Sub-Regional Office. 1
- United States Olympic Committee, USA Wrestling 1
- United States, Department of State 3
- United States, National Archives 1
- United States, National Archives and Records Service 1
- United States. Congress., Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1
- United States. Agency for International Development. Interagency Gender Working Group 1
- United States. Bureau of Justice Assistance 1
- United States. Coal Mines Administration 1
- United States. Department of State 43
- United States. Dept of Commerce 1
- United States. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare 1
- United States. Dept. of State 1
- United States. Economic Cooperation Administration 1
- United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation 9
- United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Scholarly Resources, Inc. 1